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How do I add a Facebook button to the site?

It is easy to add a Facebook feature to your website. You can add a badge which represents your page on Facebook, so that when it is clicked the website visitor is taken to Facebook. You can also add a “Like” button which when clicked indicates to Facebook users that someone has “Liked” your website.

To add a badge for your Facebook profile:

  1. Log into Facebook account.
  2. Go to
  3. Click "Page Badge" to create a badge for your Facebook page
  4. The appearance of the badge can be customized:
    1. click “Edit this badge” in the right side of the screen
    2. Change the options according to what kinds of content you would like in your badge.
    3. For a very simple badge, most of the features can be turned off leaving just the name and/or profile image.
    4. Click the “Save” button
  5. Choose “Other.”
  6. Copy the code that appears in the text box.
  7. Add the code, following the instructions in the instructions here!

Properties ID: 000031   Views: 5450   Updated: 8 years ago
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