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How do I add code snippets to my website?

You can add snippets of code representing features of another service, for example a social networking badge, newsletter autoresponder feature, or credentials verification feature. Not only is this possible, we encourage it: richer website content will make your site more interesting to people visiting your website and search engines will be likely to rank the site higher.

Many different kinds of code snippets will work on your website, particularly if the code snippet is complete and self-contained (does not require the installation of additional scripts elsewhere on your site). The code can be added to the “body” area of any page, or to the sidebar which is present on every page.

You may just send the code to us in an email with your preference for the location on the website where we should add it. The code could be in an attachment, or just copied into the email message body.

To add the code to the "body" area of a particular page, here are the steps:

  1. Click the page’s name in the “Edit Pages” main tab
  2. If you would prefer to add the code to the sidebar so that the feature is present in every page, click the "Settings & Profile" main tab and in the section "Sidebar Contact Information" make sure that the "Use Custom Sidebar" check-box is checked.
  3. Click the “Main Content” area, or right-click (Command + click on a Mac) and choose “Edit Main Content” from the menu.
  4. Click the "Source" button near the upper-left of the rich-content editing area. This opens the code view, so that you can add code directly to the particular area of the website.
  5. Add the code into the editor:
    1. It is a good idea to make a backup of the content before you change it by copy/pasting all of the text in the large box to a text file that you then save to your computer.
    2. We recommend that you add the code at the very beginning, or the very end of the existing code.
    3. The code can be added anywhere in the text box, however if you add the code in the midst of a feature already on the site, it can cause the existing feature and/or the feature being added not to work.
  6. If you are not sure where to add it, we recommend that you just send the code to us.
  7. Click the "Save" button.
  8. Be sure to "Refresh" the browser's view of your site to see the new content.

To add code to the “sidebar” (or footer depending on your theme) are which appears on every page, here are the steps:

  1. Click the “Settings and Profile” tab on the left hand side of the Control Panel.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the tab to the “Sidebar Contact Information section.
  3. If it is not checked already, check the “Custom Sidebar” box, which will create a rich-content editing area for the sidebar, similar to the one used to edit pages.
  4. Follow steps 3-7 above.

Properties ID: 000030   Views: 7628   Updated: 8 years ago
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