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How can I upload forms or articles?

You can use the following video to guide you through the process:

Or follow these instructions below.

First, make sure the files have no spaces or special characters in the file name.

  1. open your site editor to the edit screen for the page you want to add documents to
  2. highlight text that you want to become the link, or type and then highlight the text
  3. click "Insert/Edit Link" button – second row of buttons, looks like a globe with a chain link
  4. click the 'Upload' tab in the Link dialog
  5. click "Browse..." (or "Choose File") button
  6. find the file you want in the resulting navigation screen (be sure the file does not have spaces in its name, edit the filename), click the file's name, and click the "Open" button
  7. click "Send it to the Server" button
  8. click the 'Link Info' tab
  9. click "Browse Server" button
  10. the file's name will appear in your files list, click its name and then the "OK" button
  11. be sure to click the "Save Changes" button when done editing the page

Properties ID: 000040   Views: 7775   Updated: 7 years ago
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