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How do I add images or photos to the site?

It's easy to add images or photos to any page of your website. The system will even re-size and place the photos for you automatically.

To add an image or photo to any page:

  1. Open the page in your site editor.
  2. Click on the “Main Content” area to open the page content editor.
  3. Click your cursor on the page near where you'd like the image to appear.
  4. Then click on the "Add a Photo" button, at the bottom of the editor.
  5. Then, select an image from our photo gallery, or add your own image, using the "Upload your own photo" instructions on that page.
  6. Once you've selected the image, choose a size for the image. For logos, portrait photos, or office photos, normal or small is probably about right.
  7. Finally, select a justification for the image. This will adjust the placement of the photo to the left, right, or center of the page.

Once you're satisfied, just click the "Add Photo" button.

To re-size a photo after adding it, simply click on the photo, and then use the transform controls at the corners of the image to drag the image to a new size.

If you want to delete the photo, simply click on the photo, then hit the delete key on your keyboard.

Properties ID: 000024   Views: 8297   Updated: 8 years ago
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